b h a r a t r e c y c l i n g

About Us

  • Who We Are
    About Company
  • Who We Are
    What Sets Us Apart
Who We Are

About Company

India’s largest electronic asset management company and clean-tech pioneer, Bharat Recycling Pvt Limited actively promotes eco-friendly reuse and recycling of electronics. As India’s only end-to-end e-Waste recycler and metal extraction company, we aim to turn today’s waste into sustainable resources for tomorrow. We are the only company in India, as well as one among few other elite organizations globally, with the capability to extract pure metals from end- of-life electronics in an environmentally responsible manner. As a NASA recognized technology innovator, we have developed disruptive technology that allows us to set up low cost, low capacity eco-friendly recycling plants for processing e-Waste and extracting rare earth and precious metals. We have already set up a state-of-the-art recycling facility for recovering reusable resources from electronic waste in an eco-friendly manner. To facilitate collection of electronic waste from all across the country, Bharat Recycling Pvt Limited has also set up one of the largest reverse logistics network, backed by tightly integrated IT solutions forhigher efficiency. We are also helping integrate the informal recycling sector and establish an effective electronics take-back program through awareness events and collection drives.

Additionally, Bharat Recycling Pvt Limited has also established one of India’s largest electronics refurbishing facility, backed by cutting edge technology, to extend the useful life of old electronics and promote reuse. In order to complement our efforts to facilitate reuse of electronics among consumers, we have launched Gobol.in, an e-commerce platform that acts as a dedicated retail channel for the direct sale of refurbished and surplus electronics to consumers.

As part of our 360 degree solutions for electronic asset management, Bharat Recycling Pvt Limited offers wide range of services, which include country-wide pick up, collection and tracking of electronic assets, reverse logistics management, electronics asset recovery, data security, refurbishment, e-waste recycling and disposal.

Who We Are

What Sets Us Apart

1. Customized Solutions for Electronic Asset Management

  • Cost-effective solutions for electronic asset management
  • International Data Security Standards for Data Sanitization & Data Destruction
  • De-Installation of electronic assets
  • Best Practices for Evaluation of Resale Value of assets

2. Country-Wide Collection Network for efficient pickups from multiple client locations

  • Pan-India Reverse Logistics Network
  • Collection Centres spread across the country
  • Custom IT solutions for Efficient Tracking & ManagementCustom IT solutions for Efficient Tracking & Management

3. Eco-friendly Resource Recovery from E-Waste

  • Environmentally responsible, end-to-end e-Waste Management
  • Resource Recovery and Metal Extraction from various types of e-Waste

4. Innovative Cleantech to Facilitate Reuse & Recycling of Electronics

  • State-of-the-art Refurbishing & e-Waste Management facilities
  • Highly innovative Clean-tech for recycling e-Waste
  • Cutting Edge Refurbishing Operations to promote reuse of electronics